Apply to join QCOSS2023-06-01T08:17:54+10:00

Individual membership

For individuals who work directly in/with the community service sector, or are interested in progressing the vision of QCOSS.

Organisational membership

For not-for-profit and non-government organisations engaged or with an interest in social, community or health service or social welfare. Associate membership is also available for commercial (for-profit) and/or government.

All memberships are reviewed and must be approved by the QCOSS Board.

Welcome to the QCOSS Portal

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You can register for events or apply for QCOSS Membership from this portal using a free account. Already have an account? Login here.

If you have registered for a past event, are an existing QCOSS member (or connected employee), or are subscribed to a QCOSS mailing list, you may already have an account. To check if you have an account, reset your password here (make sure to keep an eye on your junk/clutter/spam folders). Create a new account here.

Do you have some questions about our new portal? Check our Frequently asked questions for answers.